Workshops & Training With a Difference

We pride ourselves on delivering talks and interactive workshops that are equal parts joyful, inspiring and practical.

We can work together to develop a bespoke solution that fits your objectives, but some previous topics have included:

The power of positivity

Decades of research from the field of positive psychology has shown that cultivating a positive mindset boosts resilience, improves physical and mental wellbeing, enhances creativity and reduces stress. In this workshop we:

• Explore the science behind how positive emotions support our growth

• Explore some of the blocks to developing a positive mindset

• Experiment with exercises from positive psychology to boost positive thinking

• Leave delegates with practical takeaways to put into action

Setting meaningful career goals

Research shows that we are more likely to achieve our goals if we can identify and articulate why they matter to us. In this workshop, we help delegates to outline their wider work-life vision, before setting meaningful career goals. We cover:

• A research-backed exercise to help delegates explore their work-life vision

• A 3-step process to turn that vision into actionable goals

• Tips for taking action and staying the course

Planning and productivity your way

Productivity is a hot topic and we all want to get more done, but often the strategies that are most commonly shared can feel unrealistic or generic. In this workshop, we empower delegates to find their own productivity strategies, covering:

• Embracing our unique energy cycles

• Evidence-backed tools that can help us to take a more proactive approach to energy management

• How leaning into our strengths can supercharge our productivity

The art of balance

The demands on our time have never been greater, and finding a work-life balance can often feel impossible. But there are tools and strategies that we can use to reduce stress and free up more time for our biggest priorities. In this workshop we:

• Help delegates get clear on what they’re trying to juggle

• Use a 4-step process to help delegates manage their time and energy more effectively

• Explore the energisers vs drains model

• Encourage delegates to find their own work-life blend

Developing a success mindset

When it comes to achieving the goals we set for ourselves, our mindset plays a massive role. The good news is, there are evidence-based actions we can take to build a success mindset. In this workshop, we:

• Discuss why our mindset matters and the science behind how it impacts our outcomes

• Explore some of the biggest mindset blocks that get in our way

• Delve into some practical tools and exercises to help delegates cultivate a success mindset

Choosing Joy

In November 2022, Sophie published her debut book, Choose Joy. This workshop is designed to accompany the book, inspiring delegates to find more joy in their everyday lives and experience the benefits that doing so will bring. We:

• Explore how joy impacts our health, relationships and career success

• Work through some of the exercises and tools in the book, including The Joy Wheel and the Foundations of Joy

• Conduct a Q&A with Sophie about the book and all things joy

There is also the option to purchase copies of the book for delegates.

Talks and workshops can be delivered in person or online, and our founder, Sophie is also available for panel discussions.

Our clients include:

"Our team had a really enjoyable session with Sophie that allowed us to break away from daily work activities and feel inspired. Sophie’s talk was really practical and there was something for each of us to take with us in the end. It was a great self-reflecting moment for us as a team and we’d happily recommend her to others!"

- Adidas Runtastic team

Get in touch.

We’d love to chat to you about your needs for your event - fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch!